SimpleProtoMessage is a message schema can be used for an event driven system. This schema uses Google’s Protobuf as its underlying messaging protocol. Messages composed in SimpleProtoMessage gets serialized to a protobuf byte array before it gets sent. The section below details the protobuf schema of the SimpleProtoMessage.
Version 1.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_outer_classname="SimpleMessageType";
option java_package="io.github.handy.messaging.types.simplemessage";
message SimpleProtoMessage{
string version = 1;
string headerSchema=2;
string contentSchema=3;
string sender=4;
string messageId=5;
string transactionGroupId=6;
string datetime=7;
bytes payload=8;
Field | Semantics |
version | Indicates the version of the SimpleProtoMessage |
headerSchema | Indicates the schema as SimpleProtoMessage |
contentSchema | Indicates the schema of the payload |
sender | Name of the sender |
messageId | Identifier for the message |
transactionGroupId | Optional field - Messages pertaining to the same transaction will have a unique ID |
datetime | Date and time when the message is created |
payload | The payload contained in the message in binary. Conforms to the contentSchema type |