
SimpleProtoMessage is a message schema can be used for an event driven system. This schema uses Google’s Protobuf as its underlying messaging protocol. Messages composed in SimpleProtoMessage gets serialized to a protobuf byte array before it gets sent. The section below details the protobuf schema of the SimpleProtoMessage.

Version 1.0

syntax = "proto3";
option java_outer_classname="SimpleMessageType";
option java_package="io.github.handy.messaging.types.simplemessage";

message SimpleProtoMessage{
  string version = 1;
  string headerSchema=2;
  string contentSchema=3;
  string sender=4;
  string messageId=5;
  string transactionGroupId=6;
  string datetime=7;
  bytes payload=8;


Field Semantics
version Indicates the version of the SimpleProtoMessage
headerSchema Indicates the schema as SimpleProtoMessage
contentSchema Indicates the schema of the payload
sender Name of the sender
messageId Identifier for the message
transactionGroupId Optional field - Messages pertaining to the same transaction will have a unique ID
datetime Date and time when the message is created
payload The payload contained in the message in binary. Conforms to the contentSchema type